People have experienced mental solace,happiness & prosperity by constructing buildings according to Indian Vastushastra. It is my personal experience that rectification,remedy & extension of residential,industrial & commercial buildings has brought those people to reap fruits of mental peace & prosperity while progressing to new heights in the society,nation & family.
vastumurtih paramjyoti vastudevo param shivah/
vastudevastu sarvesham vastudevam namamyaham//
//shree vastudevatabhyom namah//
Saturday, October 29, 2011
आपकी राशि : आपका रंग-
वृषभ : राशि के व्यक्ति दीवारों के लिए चमकीले और भड़कीले कोई भी रंग का प्रयोग कर सकते हैं या फिर वैसे ही रंग के सोफा कवर या पिलो कवर लगा सकते हैं। उनके लिए दक्षिण-पश्चिम (नैऋत्य दिशा) में भारी वजन के फर्नीचर रखना अच्छा होता है। इससे उनके घर में शांति और सुरक्षा बनी रहती है।
मिथुन : राशि के लोग कमरों में हल्का हरा, हल्का नीला और लाल रंग का प्रयोग कर सकते हैं। इसमें वे उन रंगों को प्रधानता देकर ही पहनावा पहनें। उनके लिए उत्तर-पश्चिम (वायव्य) दिशा में हल्का सामान या फर्नीचर रखना अच्छा होता है।
कर्क : राशि के जातकों के लिए सफेद, दूधिया और रूपहला रंग ज्यादा अच्छा होता है, क्योंकि ये चन्द्रमा के जैसे सफेद होते हैं। लेकिन इनका तत्व जल होने की वजह से कमरे के उत्तर-पूर्व (ईशान) दिशा के कोने में पानी का घ़ड़ा या बहता हुआ पानी का चित्र अवश्य होना चाहिए, ताकि घर में अचानक कोई पानी की दुर्घटना न हो।
सिंह : राशि के व्यक्ति के लिए सफेद, चमकता रूपहला और सुनहरा पीला रंग ज्यादा उपयुक्त रहता है। इस रंग के वस्त्र या सजावट की वस्तुएँ वे घर में रख सकते हैं। ऐसे व्यक्तियों के लिए घर का कोना महत्वपूर्ण होता है। दक्षिण-पूर्व (आग्नेय) दिशा की ओर ही किचन का काम करें जिससे कि उस राशि के व्यक्ति की आग से किसी भी प्रकार की दुर्घटना न हो।
कन्या : हल्का हरा, हल्का नीला और लाल रंग इनके लिए शुभ होता है। ये या तो इस प्रकार के वस्त्र पहनें या फिर घर की सजावट में इन्हीं रंगों का अधिक प्रयोग करें। ऐसे व्यक्ति के कमरे के दक्षिण-पश्चिम (नैऋत्य) कोने पर वजनदार फर्नीचर या सामान रख सकते हैं, जो उनके घर में खुशहाली लाते हैं।
तुला : कोई भी चमकदार रंग, जिसमें कंट्रास्ट मैच हो, इनके लिए अच्छा होता है। ऐसे व्यक्ति इस प्रकार के पर्दे, सोफा कवर या पिलो कवर का इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं। इनके लिए उत्तर-पश्चिम (वायव्य) कोना शुभ है, वहाँ वे हल्के वजन के सामान या सजावट की वस्तुएँ रख सकते हैं ताकि इनके जीवन में किसी प्रकार की चिंता का कोई समावेश न हो।
वृश्चिक : लाल, गुलाबी और ऑरेंज इसके शुभ रंग हैं। इस राशि के व्यक्ति को अधिक से अधिक इन्हीं रंगों के कप़ड़े, गहने आदि का प्रयोग करना चाहिए। महिलाएँ इन रंगों की बिंदी भी लगा सकती हैं। उत्तर-पश्चिम (ईशान) दिशा में ये जातक पानी की व्यवस्था अवश्य रखें। चाहें तो चाँदी के घड़े में पानी भरकर मोती की माला से सजा सकते हैं।
धनु : राशि के व्यक्ति के लिए पीला रंग शुभ होता है। अग्नि या अन्य ज्वलनशील पदार्थ को ये हमेशा दक्षिण-पूर्व (आग्नेय) दिशा की ओर रखें। इसमें वे रोज मिट्टी का दीया (दीपक) भी जला सकते हैं। इन्हें देवी की उपासना नियमित करनी चाहिए।
मकर : राशि के व्यक्ति गहरा नीला, गहरा हरा, काला और भूरे रंग का प्रयोग कर सकते हैं। इन रंगों के चादर, सोफा-कवर, पर्दे आदि सभी के प्रयोग से अच्छे परिणाम मिलते हैं। ऐसे व्यक्ति भारी फर्नीचर या सामान को दक्षिण कोने की ओर रखें।
कुंभ : गहरा नीला, गहरा हरा, काला और भूरा रंग इनके लिए शुभ है। ऐसे व्यक्ति कमरे की दीवारों व सजावट की वस्तुओं के लिए इन रंगों का प्रयोग कर सकते हैं। इससे उन्हें सफलता मिलेगी। घर के हल्के सामान या वस्तुएँ हमेशा उत्तर-पश्चिम (वायव्य) दिशा की ओर रखें।
मीन : इनका शुभ रंग पीला होता है, इसलिए इन्हें अधिक से अधिक पीले रंग का इस्तेमाल करना चाहिए। ऐसे व्यक्ति के कमरे के उत्तर-पूर्व (ईशान) कोने में पानी का घड़ा भरकर रखें। इन्हें सफलता के लिए मेहरून कलर को भी वार्डरोब में जगह देनी चाहिए।
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Fish Aquarium

Aquariums are beneficial to place in North, East and North-East directions.
But it should be kept very clean. A dirty fish tank will damage the positivity of these directions.
Also the faults related to north-west corner can be corrected by putting an aquarium.
An aquarium in south direction draws out positive energies from house.
Saturday, September 4, 2010

It can be a place where you can enjoy your evening after a tired day with fragrance of blooming flowers, blowing wind, plants,etc.
Depending on the size of courtyard you can include seating area in the courtyard
The courtyard besides being a place that is usually shaded also acts as a natural air-conditioner especially in a hot and dry climate.
If we look at the courtyard houses of India, they are indigenous and matched with the climatic requirements
- As per Vaastu Shastra, the central location in a house is the best location for a courtyard. This central area in a plot is referred to as Brahmasthana. Great care must be taken of this central location in terms of its beautification. By building a court yard around a central open space,close relationships is ensured in the family.
- The south and the west are the least pleasant sides of the house and of the garden as well. That is why the Vastu texts advise us to locate the house close to these boundaries, leaving the more agreeable north and east sides open for sitting out.
- Courtyard can be in interior of house or in exterior of house
- Plantation of trees can make a big difference to your life. A barrier of shade-giving, evergreens in the south and west, especially on a site having a bad slope, can be extremely effective. On a small plot though, be careful not to plant trees with strong spreading roots (like mango, peepal, banyan or neem) too close to the house, as they could cause some major damage to the foundations
- Flowering trees are usually not recommended by Vastu, because they shed their leaves in the summer months - when you most need their shade! Besides, exotic trees like the Gulmohur have a nasty habit of dropping their branches right on your head at the slightest sign of a strong wind.
- Every traditional house recommended the planting of herbs and medicinal plants (trees) as also flowers for ‘puja’. These plants with their healing power and fragrance add positive energies to the environment.Tulsi (the Indian Basil),the courtyard plant is often grown in the courtyards of Hindu families and is well known and well used as a medicinal herb for human ailments as an alternate therapy in Ayurveda. Traditional Hindus worship this holy plant every morning and evening as a diurnal ritual.
- Before designing courtyard consider how the courtyard is to be used. You may want to enjoy your meal in courtyard with your friends. A courtyard can be a favourite place for kids play area. Kids may enjoy indoor and outdoor games here. They may enjoy a sunny day in winters with their friends
- Select perfect lights for the courtyard with border or hanging lights near the plants which may help you to create an inviting atmosphere in your courtyard.
- Wall art can also make your yard more inviting.
- Some good elements to use for decoration are small plants, plant containers, group of plant containers, big plant containers or flower bed in large courtyard. Group of plant of same kind with wall create a dramatic effect in courtyard. Flowering vines on the wall in large courtyard give it elegant look.
- Courtyard floor can be made from concrete, pebbles or stone. Concrete floor with big planter and stone used for decoration in courtyard give it traditional look.
- Wood furniture or cane furniture in a traditional courtyard is a perfect choice.
If the plot is a small one (as they usually are these days) and the open spaces are a bare minimum in any case, then these factors don't come into play at all. Similarly, the building maybe within city municipal limits and therefore governed by a set of rules over which you have little or no control.
The increase in apartment buildings, security reasons and safety from rain and dust, have deterred people from adopting courtyards in their homes and so Balconies have taken the place of Courtyards.
Balconies should be in the East or North part of the house: They should not be to the South or the West sides of the main building. The Scientific Reason - A Balcony is a good place to sit out and sun-bathe. So the ideal position for this will be in the North, where there is constant sunlight and the East where there is morning Sunlight.The West and South sides are too hot to sit and hence should be avoided.
Heavy furniture and seating should be placed only in the South-West part of the Balcony: The Scientific Reason – The North and East parts of the Balcony should not be obstructed by heavy furniture, so that the sunlight can stream in and light up the whole place.
A swing should be placed in the East-West axis: The Scientific Reason - This way, the person sitting on the swing, faces either North or South and thus the sun will not hit him in the face directly.
Small plants can be placed in the North-East of the Balcony: The Scientific Reason - Plants need sunlight to thrive and so should be placed in the North-East, where there is constant, morning sunlight. However if they grow too tall or grow up a pillar, they will obstruct the light into the Balcony and so should be kept short.
Keep only small flower pots in the Balcony: Flower pots with Creepers should not be kept in the Balcony. The Logic - Big flower pots and pots with owerflowing creepers tend to obstruct light into the Balcony.
Height of the Balcony roof should be less than the roof of the main bilding: The Logic - A Balcony is a small space and will look proportional only if the roof is a bit lower than the rest of the building.
Avoid using asbestos or tin roof for a Balcony: The Logic - A tin or asbestos roof absorbs and traps heat within a space, making it uncomfortably hot for the users
Friday, September 3, 2010
- Square (all corners straight and at 90°) shaped
Very auspicious, brings health,wealth and happiness. - Rectangular Shaped
Good and auspicious. Brings all round prosperity. - Circular Shaped
Good for constructing circular Shaped buildings only. - Wheel Shaped
Owner loses financial status and faces poverty. - Odd Shaped (irregular shaped)
Causes all types or problems and poverty. - Triangular Shaped
Affects progress and causes problems from government. - Bhadarshan Shaped
Not good for residence. Can be used for special type of buildings like government buildings only. - Cart Shaped
Causes wants and poverty, even imprisonment. The owner has to run here and there like a Cart. - Long bar Shaped
Not good if used for cattle shed, the cattle reared here perish. - Damru shaped (a tiny size musical damru with deep bend in the middle)
Will have very bad effect on the eye sight of inmates. Also everyone in the house will lose discretion fright judgement. - Visham Bahu (disproportionate shouldered)
Affects health, involves in mates in court litigations, drives them to poverty. - Drum or Dholak or Mirdung Shaped
Will cause loss of wife and other female members of the family - Hand-Pan Shaped
Creates loss of wealth, cattle etc. This can be corrected and used if other aspects conform to Vastu principles. - Varahan Mukhi Akaar (pig faced Shaped)
Causes death of brothers and relatives. - Turtle shaped plot
Causes to the owner and his family members imprisonment, untimely death and murders. - Window shaped plot (used for hand winnowing to separate grains from chaff)
The inmates of this plot lose mental peace and face poverty. - Bow shaped plot
Inmates of this plot face fear of theft, loot, attack by enemies etc. - Muslakar plot (long oval like plot with cut in one side)
It brings enmity and loss of friendship - Hexagon shaped plot
This is considered good if all other Vastu principles are followed. Is said to be helpful in progress of family members. - Ellipitical plot (a regular oval shaped)
Loss in many ways like money, women and respect. - Polygonal plot (Panch Mukh)
Such plot should not be inhabited before making it a rectangular plot otherwise it will bring legal litigations and false allegations. - Octagonal (Astha Kon) plot
Is auspicious and will bring all round prosperity. - Pot type plot
People who live on this plot face problems and obstacles for progress. - Simha Mukh (lion faced) like a lion's face wider in front
Not good for residential purposes. Is very auspicious for business organisation. - Gaumukh (cow faced) like a cows face narrow in front
Auspicious provided the roads are in Southern and Westeren sides of plot.

One should not pluck leaves, flowers of trees after dark –
One should not give nor hand over nor exchange tamarind, salt, fire, light, lamps etc from hand to hand
One should not use someone else’s shoes, ornaments, clothes, or water glass.
If one stamps on another person’s cut nails, they will start hating each other.
One should not sleep with the feet towards the South, as it is considered a sign of disrespect to the elders
One shall not place fire embers under a bed, nor at the foot of the bed when sleeping.
One shall not pass urine facing the wind, the fire or the Sun.
One should not step over a rope to which a calf is tied.
One should not run when it rains.
One should never look at the Sun when it is eclipsed or at noon.
Square shaped site is the best shape: According to Vastu, it ensures the inmates all round prosperity and happiness.
The Reasoning- In earlier times, since most houses were designed around a central square courtyard, for good cross-ventilation and protection from the hot summer heat, a square Site was considered the best, as the Site could be used fully, without any wastage.
Rectangle shaped Site is also considered good: especially if the longer sides run North to South, rather than West to East. It bestows good health, wealth and prosperity.
The Reasoning- Like in a square site, it is easy to design a square or rectangle shaped house in a rectangle site even though there will be some extra land around the house. But this space can be used for trees, outhouse etc and hence is not wasted.
I find the rectangle shape the best for Sites- It is easier to design a house on rectangular lines since this allows for a good flow of interior spaces and the proportion of the rectangle’s sides are most suitable in designing rooms. It may be for this reason that Sites in cities are usually available in rectangular shapes such as 30′x40′, 40′x60′, 50′x80′ etc.
Triangle shaped Site is not considered good:
However, if the site is very big, then it can be used by constructing a Vaastu compound wall so that it appears to be a square shaped site and then designing the house within it.
The Reasoning- In a triangular site, it is difficult to design a square or rectangular house, which is the preferred shape for an efficient plan. There will be a lot of wastage of land on all three corners and very little space on the periphery of the house. Also, the area of the house will be much less than, if the same plan is drawn on a square or rectangular site.
Circular/Elliptical/Oval shaped Sites are not considered good for houses: According to Vastu, such Sites are only good for constructing circular/elliptical shaped buildings, like public buildings.
The Reasoning- Just like in a triangle shaped site, it is difficult to construct a rectangle or square house and there will be a lot of odd shaped waste land around and hence is not considered worth buying for a house.
Pentagon, Hexagon, Octagon shaped Sites are not considered good: However, if these shapes are made rectangular or square by building a Vastu compound wall, so that it appears to be a square or rectangular Site, it can be used.
The Reasoning- Just like in a triangle shaped site there will be lot of wastage of land around the building and so is not considered worth the money you spend for the land.
L-Shaped Site is not good for a house: However, if it is possible to buy the site on the inside of the L-shaped site to form a rectangle site, then it is fine. Or if the arms are wide enough then the site can be fenced off into a rectangle and the remaining portion can be used for a garden or some other structure.
The Reasoning- It will be difficult to design a square or rectangle shaped house in a L-shaped plot, unless the arms are very wide.
Gou-mukh (Cow faced) site is considered auspicious: According to Vastu, if the plot is narrow in the front and wide at the back, like the face of a cow, it is auspicious.
The Reasoning- A square or rectangle shaped house can be designed in this plot with some excess land in the back which can be used for various things like a kitchen garden, outhouse etc.
Simha-mukh (Lion faced) Site is considered inauspicious: According to Vastu, if the plot is wide in the front or entrance and narrow at the back, like the face of a lion, it is inauspicious.
The Reasoning- In this plot, though a rectangle or square shaped house can be designed, the excess land will be in the front, and an outhouse or kitchen garden cannot be placed here. So the excess space will be wasted and hence not considered worth the money spent.
Sites with cut corners are not good: If possible, you should be able to purchase the cut part as well, so that the site looks whole.
The Reasoning- It will be difficult to design a house if any of the corners are cut, as some parts of the house will not have proper ventilation.
Sites with cut-corners in the North-East are not good and should not be purchased. It is like a headless body, because as per Vastu Purusha Mandala the Vastu Purusha’s head lies in the North-East.
The Reasoning- The North-East is the direction from which the sun light engulfs the house in the morning and hence should be kept open without any obstructions. So, if it belongs to someone else, that portion cannot be kept open to the useful sunlight.

Best for main entrance, Pooja / worship room, meditation room, drinking water fountain.
East- Aditya- Ruled by Sun God
Best for bathroom, verandah, balcony, exercise room, main entrance for shops / banks.
Southeast- Agni- Ruled by Lord of Fire
Best for kitchen / pantry with cooking range / platform in the south-east corner.
South- Yama- Ruled by Lord of Death
Best for steps going up towards south or mezzanine floor.
Southwest- Pitru- Ruled by ancestors
Best for master bedroom, lumber, first floor extension or over head water tank.
West- Varuna- Ruled by Lord of water
Best for dining room, study room, toilets
Northwest- Vayu- ruled by Lord of Winds
Best for children bedroom or store room.
North- Kubera- Ruled by Lord of Wealth
Best for living room, strong room, porch, cellar, basement, open terrace, verandah
- Vaastu is for peace of mind.
- If applied properly, it can create pleasurely environment all around.
- Living according to the Vaastu principles and nature gives you excellent opportunities.
- Good relationship between husband and wife, children and society.
- Brings name and fame.
- Establishes positive environment and positive thinking.
- Helps you to take right and strong decision.
- One can march ahead for better growth in life.
- It is for health, wealth, peace and prosperity.
Thursday, September 2, 2010

To ensure good profits and efficiency in work, people design their workplace as per the norms of Vastushastra.
Office, which is so important for our livelihood, should follow vastu guidelines because vastu office ensures smoothness of work in the office premises and thus more profits and progress.Also,it is very important that the office should be in control of the owner.
Sometimes, one has to face unexplained losses in business, unsuccessful projects at the work place and many such failures.We might not realize but the past problems associated to our office might have been due to a Vastu Dosha in the office plan.
If offices are not made according to Vastu principles, there will be no balance of energies thus less efficiency of the employees, unability to do work; owner may not manage the staff and thus failure.
Some Vastu tips for office which will balance the cosmic energy flowing through your work area:-
- The advisable placement of treasury or safe is best suited with face towards the North.
- Try to keep the North direction free of any heavy furniture like almirahs or racks.
- The work table of the boss should be placed facing the entrance door with a picture of mountains on the back wall.
- The entrance of an office should not face a blank wall.
- The financial condition will suffer if there is a boring or tube well or an underground tank in the South direction.
- A picture of particular God and Goddess symbolizing that direction and proper placement of mirrors brings financial gains to the business.
- A well placed aquarium or a fountain will have a soothing affect on the customers and guests.
- A dirty, dark and congested entrance is bad for business and will keep away customers.
- It is better to have a large main door.
- There should be no obstacle in the opening of any door.
- Central zone of the office premises should be kept empty.
We have to take care of the following points while studying about the vastu of the offices:-
- The exteriors of the office like shape, slope, height, water level.Generally, a square or rectangular plot is preferable.
- The direction of the Entrance.
- The direction & placement of the windows.It is advisable to have more windows in the North and East.
- The location of the beams.
- The location of the basement.
- The direction & placement of the MD room
- The direction & placement of the employees.
- The direction & placement of the reception.
- The direction & placement of AC, cooler, audio systems.
- The direction and placement of the stairs.
- The direction & placement of the electronic equipment
- The direction & placement of the pantry/kitchen
- The direction & placement of the toilets
- The direction & placement of the seminar and conferences room
- The direction & placement of the water products
- The colour scheme of the room
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Cleansing :-
When you first obtain crystals or have been using them for some time, or even if they have been left sitting around somewhere, they will have absorbed a range of different energies that they will have been exposed to by yourself and others who may have handled them and transferred various energies and emotions into them.
Therefore, it's important to 'cleanse' your crystals as soon as you obtain them, and on a regular basis (daily, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly, depending on use) however, you may have been given a crystal as a gift from someone who may have programmed it specially for you with specific energies. In this case the stone may not need this initial cleansing.
This cleansing process isn't a 'physical' cleaning with soap and water, but intended to cleanse the stone of its stored energies, both good and bad, which can be released again by the stone at any time and once it becomes loaded with energy. Crystals used specifically for healing should be cleansed before and after use.
Several cleansing methods are recommended, they are:
1) Salt Water
Suitable crystals can be left to soak in sea water or water mixed with sea salt. Cooking salt can also be used if sea salt/water is not available. You should fill a glass bowl (not metal) about half to one third full and place your crystals so they are fully submerged in the salt water for anywhere between 1 to 24 hours. Many people leave them in salt water overnight but a crystal that needs a much deeper and more thorough cleansing can be left for up to 1 week. You should thoroughly rinse your crystals in cool running water after spending time in salt water to remove any remaining salt. After use, the salt water must be flushed away and never re-used because it will have absorbed negative and unwanted energies.
Salt water cleansing is considered one of the best and most thorough ways to cleanse crystals, but please be aware that this method must be avoided for certain crystals as it can have an adverse effect on them and even change their appearance and properties!
Stones that should not be soaked in salt water include crystals that are porous, contain metal or have a water content, for example Opal. Stones and minerals that should be kept away from salt include Pyrite, Lapis Lazuli, Opal, Hematite, etc.
2) Dry Salt
Another salt method is to half-fill a glass bowl with sea salt (or cooking salt) and place your crystals directly into the salt. Either bury them into the dry salt or leave them on the surface. They should be left in the salt for several hours, overnight or for several days. Your crystals should then be rinsed thoroughly under cool running water to remove any remaining salt. After use, the salt must be thrown away and never re-used because it will have absorbed negative and unwanted energies.
Again, take care when placing your crystals directly onto dry salt as the salt can have an adverse effect on certain crystals, as explained above.
3) Non-Contact Salt
This is considered the safest salt-cleansing method and should be used where the crystals may otherwise be damaged by direct contact with salt. This is also a good method if you are cleansing gem stones found in jewellery or gems surrounded by metal.
First, fill a glass bowl half to two thirds full with dry sea salt (or cooking salt). Then place a smaller glass container or shallow drinking glass and half-bury this glass into the salt. You can then place your crystals directly into the empty glass which is sitting half buried in the dry salt. The salt will still be able to draw out the stored energies within the stones but this method will take longer to work than direct contact with salt. You may also pour just enough water (preferably pure, distilled or mineral water) into the smaller glass container, just enough to cover the crystals. This will protect them and prevent direct 'salt exposure' or 'salty air' from causing any corrosion or adverse effects to any metals or other fittings that may surround the gems. Also, bear in mind that certain crystals should not be left to soak in water.
The used salt should be thrown away and never re-used.
4) Smudging
Another popular method of cleansing crystals is by 'Smudging'. This involves burning either Smudge Sticks or Incense Sticks and holding the crystals in the smoke to cleanse the stored energies. Several types of incense are specifically recommended for this because, when burned, they release certain elements into the air via the smoke which can effectively remove bad and built-up energies. The following incense sticks are particularly recommended for effective smudging: Sage and Sweetgrass, Sandalwood or Cedarwood (available from our Web Store). A feather can be used to fan the smoke across the crystals and this only needs to be done for a short amount of time. 20 to 30 seconds should be long enough.
5) Visualisation
You can also use visualisation or 'thought energy' to cleanse crystals. Simply hold the crystal, focus on it, and visualise a bright white light surrounding the crystal, followed by a beam of white light coming down through the stone, passing all the way through the stone, taking away stored energy within the stone. Do this until you feel happy that the white light has done its job and flushed away the stored energies. The 'thought energy' generated by you will be transmitted to the stone and this cleansing energy will do the job of clearing the stone of its stored energies.
Once your crystal has been cleansed you will need to energise it again so that it can continue to release its own natural vibrations and energies. There are several ways to energise crystals and the most popular methods are as follows:
1) Water Energising
Allow your crystals to sit in a drinking glass or bowl under cool running tap water for several minutes, 10-20 minutes should be long enough. If you are near to a natural running river, stones can be placed in an open mesh bag and left for a short time in the natural running water. Running water can also cleanse as well as energise the stones at the same time.
Please check that your crystal can be emerged safely in water, since some should not be left to soak in water as this can have an adverse effect on them. Specifically, porous stones or those with high metal content.
2) Sunshine and Moonlight
The natural energies transmitted by the Sun and Moon can also energise your crystals with natural energies. Many people like to leave their newly cleansed stones under Moonlight and Sunlight for a day or two to allow them to absorb the different energies from the Moon and Sun. The Sun provides a stronger energy, whereas the Moon has a more gentle energy.
When leaving crystals in Sunlight, please be aware that some coloured stones may fade over a period of time if left in strong sunlight too often. This can happen with Amethyst, for example. In this case, try not to leave your crystals in strong sun for more than an hour or so. To be on the safe side, place in sunlight during sunrise and/or sunset because the sun's rays won't be as strong during these times of the day.
3) Physical Contact
Native Americans believe that it's not always necessary to energise crystals with any of the above methods because they will naturally energise themselves from our body's own energy field when they are picked up and handled, or rubbed between the palms of the hands. So this is another method you may want to consider.
Feel free to do whatever you feel is best for you and your crystals, or you may wish to use one or all the above methods when energising your own crystals.
Programming Crystals
Before starting, you may want to clear the room and yourself of extra or unwanted energies by using a cleansing Smudging Stick or Incense.
To program a crystal for specific use or with specific energies, sit quietly away from distractions or strong electrical devices and external energies, then hold the crystal in front of you, clear your mind and focus on the stone. Give the crystal a cleanse with white light as explained above. Concentrate on the specific energy that you wish to program the crystal with, and 'transmit' the energies and thoughts from your mind directly to the stone. Be clear and direct when doing this and don't try to confuse or overload the crystal with different thoughts and energies. Do this until you feel happy that the required thoughts and energies have been transmitted to the stone.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Kitchen is an extremely important part of the house where healthy food is prepared for the family.
- When we talk of 'kitchen' in terms of Vastu Shastra, we talk of the South-East angle of our house which is called 'Agney'. 'Agni' is the God of this direction and is ruled by planet Venus. Therefore kitchen is best suited here because the tasks performed in the kitchen is related to Fire.
- Agney is also related to the health and longevity of the inhabitants and Venus determines the beauty, vastness and richness of the house. Therefore it is very important to have a neat and clean, vastu-compliant kitchen in our house for health and prosperity. Any fault in this direction will cause ill-health of the inhabitants and unexpected expenses of the house-hold.
- We are what we eat and what we eat greatly depends on the mindset of the person preparing food which can be enhanced by creating a right atmosphere in the kitchen.
- Sink in the kitchen should always be in the North-East angle and away from the cooking gas.
- Place the gas stove in the South-east angle and always face the East while you cook.
- Generally medium Red to Pink colour is recommended for the kitchen, but in case the native has a powerfully placed Venus in the Birth-chart, white or cream colour is more advisable as it begets more riches in the household. However, natives with a malefic Venus on the Birth-chart should completely avoid White in the kitchen to avoid failures.
Kitchen is the best place for serving food and an ideal direction would be West or North-West avoiding the centre. - Refrigerator can be placed in the North-West or South-West, but the micro-wave, exhaust fan, mixer, etc. should be placed in the South-East.
- Water filter and drinking water should be stored in the North-East.
- Kitchen should not be opposite to the main door.
- The walls of the kitchen should not be broken, dirty or dull as this creates an environment of disappointment, conflict and anger.
- Avoid place of worship in the kitchen.
- Kitchen in the South-west angle will make life hell.
- Kitchen in the North will cause excessive and sudden expenses.
- Avoid leaky taps.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Monday, May 3, 2010
Eating food as per vastu...

Eating as per vastu...
...sounds weird...but in reality practice this & you will see the difference...!
- Facing the East while eating---Rise in Fortune.
- Facing the West while eating---Wealth.
- Facing the North while eating---Salvation.
- Facing the South while eating---Misfortune(but in group meal it is permissible).
Friday, April 23, 2010
Mughals damaged our ancient buildings & reconstructed them as they wished & completely overlooked the principles of Vastushastra.
The ships passing by the sea adjoining the Konark Sun Temple in Orissa used to sail near the temple attracted by the magnetic power of the stones & were able to sail further only after sunset.The British destroyed the rocks of magnetic power of the temple by dynamite.However the temple exists on the sea beach even today.
The whole city of Jaipur was constructed as per the principles of Vastu by Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh in 1727 A.D.
The Balaji Temple of Tirupati is the most prosperous temple with Vastu qualities.
Other examples of Vastu constructions is the Joshi Haveli of Jodhpur, Vidyaranya Temple of Shrangeri, Dashavtar temple of Devgarh, Venkateshwar Temple of Tirupati, Meenakshi Temple of Madurai, Sai Baba Ashram of Puttaparthi & Mahakaleshwar Temple of Ujjain.
It can only be imagined how the knowledge of Vastu must have prospered among the people of Italy.The Pyramids which were constructed thousands of years ago still exist in the same form.Even today the mummies are safely kept in those pyramids.
Monday, April 19, 2010
why vastu is important...
Solar energy from Sun
Lunar energy from Moon
Earth energy
Sky energy
Electric energy
Magnetic energy
Thermal energy
Wind energy
Light energy
Cosmic energy
Utilization of such energies gives us pleasure,peace & prosperity..
There 3 forces in action to create harmony-Wind,Water & Fire.If these forces are kept in appropriate places,there wil be no disturbance.But if water is placed in fire place & wind in water place or any other combination the forces will start acting accordingly causing disharmony because fire pollutes wind with smoke,wate

Saturday, April 17, 2010
what is vastu shastra?

Similarly, Earth is also made of these 5 elements which we need to balance through their corresponding directions abide in Vastu Shastra.
The concept of Vastu Shastra not only heals physical body of ocupants but also aides as a holistic healer releaving body mind & soul.